So we are going to Cadillac Ranch Monday night or Tuesday morning. This is the place where some guy from Texas decided to sick 10 Cadillacs in the ground with their rear-ends sticking up in the air. This is in the middle of a pasture off I40 (part of route 66). Visitors are welcomed and encouraged to leave their mark in spray paint on the cars.
Since this is a musical journey Scott has chosen 5 quotes from well known “travel songs”. The person who gets the most correct gets their name (or favorite phrase) spray painted on one of the Cadillacs.
No cheating, no googling, just search the back of your memories and post it here.
1 point for song title
1 point for artist
Here You Go:
1) “Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup”
2) “Take it hip to hip rocking through the wilderness”
3) “Well I went to bed in Memphis And I woke up in Hollywood”
4) “Shoe the children with no shoes on their feet”
5) “We’ll have time for coffee flavored kisses and a bit of conversation”
I'd like to check out Memphis someday. Played there once years ago but arrived at night and left the next day so I didn't really get a chance to see much of it other than the Elvis stuff, which is cool.
I noticed that Memphis is actually a vacation destination for the British, along with New Orleans and Nashville. They like the old Southern towns with country and blues histories. Some of the cabs there had advertisements for Memphis, which I've never seen here. Of course the British go everywhere!
Very nice work with the blog so far - keep up the good work!
Good luck lovely lady - Atlanta is all the better for having known you and your gorgeous voice! So sorry I couldn't make it to your send off... I hope you have a great deal of fun out West - I'm positive you will!
And as far as those cars are concerned - songs 1, 2 and 5 are gimmes... 3 and 4, i've no clue... It's obvious I'm the child of Georgian hippies, is it not?
Memphis used to be a fave vacation spot for me and Husband #1, plus I recorded there at Easley Studios with The Butterflies. We did the whole Elvis Week deal - the Candlelight Vigil at Midnight 'n everything. I love Memphis!
I totally flaked on the song lyrics! I could only get #2 & #4. Pitiful. I emailed the answers so I wouldn't ruin it for anyone else who wants to post later. Have Fun!!!
I want to meet "Anonymous." I could only get 2 and 4, too.
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