Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Scott Speaks

As Andy said, we started out the day yesterday at the Cadillac Ranch. Here's some shots, including the winner of the contest (Kitten, the second photo). Yes, that's a bomb laying on the ground in the fourth pic. Since it was too wet to get at the model Cadillac I wanted to paint, I decided to scrawl my name across the dirt that leads to the ranch. You can barely see it in the first shot.  Judging by the number of people cycling through the Ranch, my name has a better chance of survival than on a car. It was so fun there, even though it was muddy. Everyone had big smiles on their faces! It's definitely the most fun piece of art I've ever experienced!

Moving on, we hit New Mexico, and scenery started to change. We stopped by an abandoned, derelict gas station and took a shot or two.


As we were trying to make some time, we didn't do much stopping through New Mexico, so Andy took a good bit of shots from the car.


We hit our first traffic jam in Albuquerque. It was about 2:30, and it lasted maybe 5 minutes. It looked like Atlanta on Sunday at about 9:00 in the morning, lol. I don't think we ever actually stopped. Speaking of Atlanta, Albuquerque has it's own "Spaghetti Junction", but theirs is painted kinda orange and blue. Some pics:

A note on traffic. The speed limit on I-40 is 75 mph, and for the most part, people obey it. We've been trying to keep 80 mph most of the time, and we're rarely passed (bless it's heart, the Vibe can barely make it up some hills out here. We run about like the semi's do). Oh, another thing: Most states, since Arkansas on, do not have motorcycle helmet laws, so it's been a constant trip to see guys riding down the interstate at 75 mph, with no helmet on. Idiots.

That's all for now!  

1 comment:

Dee said...

Wow! I feel like I am traveling along with you. I love the pictures especially the one with the bomb:-) Love Dee