When we unpacked the car the oth

er day we found a stow-away hiding in our baggage!! He is a curious little green creature with a long neck. He told us his name was
Noise A. Saurus and that he lived with a little girl in Atlanta named Nicole. He said that he jumped into our car because he knew we were going to travel out West to see the desert and he heard the desert was a cool place to visit. He greatly misses his friend Nicole and told me to tell her not to worry. He is coming back -- or she could always come out to get him too.
In the meantime, he wants us to send photos to Nicole to let her know that he is ok and he is having lots of fun with the two monsters Oscar and Oliver that he met in the back of the car.
1 comment:
Well, the only thing Nicole liked more than the photos of Noise-a-Saurus traveling around the country was seeing HER OWN NAME on the Internet!! She was so-o-o excited! Send more photos of Noise-a-saurus asap!
She also said she wants to fly out there in an airplane to pick up Noise-a-Saurus. She said to buy our plane tickets right away. See you soon, I guess!
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